Hi Newgroundsers!
Sorry it's been a while, I've been focusing on my DeviantArt and neglecting this page..BUT! GOOD NEWS!
Despite major setbacks, including an entire wiping of my C Drive, the Tomb is well on the way. I'm making a tentative release date at the end of May. Untill then, enjoy some concept art!
your retarded.
Screw you, there she is my be better then stupid meet n' fuck but not the other two.
I disagree.
Awesome is VERY funny, yes. Madness is very action packed, yes. But art is something that moves you. Madness doesn't move me. Awesome makes me laugh, but so does seeing a man getting hit in the balls anyway. Is that art? No.
There She Is moves me beyond where either of those can, as it actually has something behind it other then a stupid gimmick. Does Awesome get a message across to the audience? Does Madness? No. Does There She Is? Yes.
So in response to your comment, no I am not retarted. Awesome is awesome. Madness is mad. But There She Is is art.
And art trumps fun. Especially when the art itself is fun.